Raw Corn Grain →Intake Cleaning(pre and fine cleaning) →Degermination(peeling and degerminator)→Dry Milling(grits and flour)→Bagging and Loading out→Corn Germ,Grade Grits and Flour
Intake and Pre-cleaning→Fine Cleaning and Conditioning(dampener for moisture)→Milling→Storage and Blending(roller mill, plansifters, sieve and blending)→Bagging and Loading Out→Wheat Flour
Beans and Pulses→Intake and Precleaning→Storage and Drying System→Fine Cleaning and Grading→Peeling and Polishing→Optical Sorter→Grinding→Bagging→Processed Beans
Finished product
Soybeans, soy, Black beans, pea, green beans,Mung bean, Chickpeas, Lentils, Coffee beans, Dal, Bean flour